“Spy Vision” – A Global Game Jam Game

Technical Skills: Unity 3D; MonoDevelop Scripting; Mobile Development; Multi-Touch Input; Team Project.

The download link for the game can be found on the Global Game Jam site here.

The game-play video can be found on YouTube here.


A team of five people developed a game in 48 hours using Unity and MonoDevelop to create a top-down, 2D strategy game for Android devices. The objective of the game is to navigate your agent through the building without being caught.

The theme for the Global Game Jam 2014 was “We don’t see things as they are. We see them as we are”. Our team’s interpretation of this was using perspective and allowing the player to see things they wouldn’t usually (like radio signals, for example). The result was a stealth game where the player has a god-like view of the world and can see which rooms are being detected by heat vision and motion tracking cameras, which radio frequencies are being tracked, and the patrol areas for each guard.

The development focus was on cross-platform compatibility between a wide range of mobile and tablet devices. My role within the team was to script player input for the game using only touch events (tap, drag, and zoom), which was then integrated into the main game. I also assisted with development of the logic for the different types of sensors in the game.
