James Potts Portfolio App

Technical Skills: Android Development; Virtual Reality; Google Cardboard; Java; OpenGL ES 3.0; Controller Input; Android Studio; Mobile Gaming; Flocking Simulation; Finite State Machine; A* path-finding;

This application is a culmination of several university projects, showcasing a range of programming skills and techniques. It also includes links to pages with detailed descriptions of each project. The application was published onto the Google Play Store for devices running Android version 4.3 or higher in August 2016.

A video of the application can be found on YouTube here.

App features:

Final Year Project – Mobile Virtual Reality

VR logo big.png

“Asteroid Belt VR” is the result of a Final Year Project researching “Virtual Reality and Immersive Gaming on Mobile Devices”. It is a virtual reality space shooter built from scratch for Google Cardboard.

User Guide


“Asteroid Belt” is an extension of the original final year project and allows the game to be playable without the virtual reality features.

User Guide

Flocking Simulation


“Flocking Simulation” is a demonstration of a number of Artificial Intelligence techniques to reproduce a flocking-like simulation.

A* Maze Demo


“A* Maze Demo” is a demonstration of a popular Artificial Intelligence path-finding algorithm – A*. This algorithm is used across the games industry to enable computer controlled entities (e.g. enemies) to navigate through the environment(s).
